Sunday, April 4, 2010

oh yeah

I had the most awful day at work today. Fuck you boiling crab. I love you, you pay my bills. But fuck. Why do so many people have to go eat there. PEOPLE CAN YOU PLEASE CEASE FROM COMING SO FUCKING MUCH. Today was a 3-4 hour wait to get a table. I hate fucking bitches that come and give me shit trying to tell me how to do my fucking job. Nigga you try to do this. And if you can succeed in doing it better then I will bow down to you. I'll bet you be trippen after being mobbed by a crowd of angry people harassing you for their wait times and clearing tables at the same fucking time. You don't like it? Don't come. Good. We need less of you here. If not, be civil. I'm a nice person. I try but I'm only human.


  1. wtf i thought i fixed that before i posted it. i always proofread. LOL

  2. (honey, you're way worse than i am.)

  3. its the same for every job.

    just be polite and laugh. it HELLA pisses them off but they don't know why, i do this all the time.

  4. oh hoooooo. hosting is a no no...
